Emanuelu Samoan Free Methodist Church Core Beliefs | talitonuga taua a Emanuelu Metotitisi Sa'oloto Samoa
We believe the Bible to be the complete Word of God.
- That the 66 books of the Old and New Testament were inspired by the Spirit of God as originally written
- That the Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct · 2 Timothy 3:16
tusi paia
Matou te talitonu o le Tusi Paia, o le Upu Atoa a le Atua.
- O tusi e 66 o le Feagaiga Tuai ma le Feagaiga Fou na faaosofia e le Agaga o le Atua pei ona tusia mai anamua
- O le Tusi Paia o le pulega mulimuli lea i mea uma o le faatuatua ma amio. 2 Timoteo 3:16
We believe in one God, Creator of all, holy, sovereign, eternal, existing in three equal Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
Matou te talitonu i le Atua e toʻatasi, Foafoaga o mea uma, e paia, le Pule Silisili Ese, o le Faʻavavau, le Tolu Tasi Paia, o le Tama, le Alo ma le Agaga Paʻia
Jesus Christ
We believe in the absolute and essential deity of our Lord Jesus Christ
- In His eternal existence, with the Father in pre-incarnate glory
- In His work of creation, in His virgin birth, sinless life, substitutionary death and bodily resurrection
- In His triumphant ascension, mediatorial ministry and personal return
Iesu Keriso
Matou te talitonu i le moni ma le tonu o lo tatou Alii o Iesu Keriso
- I Lona ola faʻavavau ma le Tama i le amataga na ia ulu atu i lona mamalu
- I Lana galuega o le foafoaga, i Lona taupou sa fanau mai, leai se agasala, suia i le oti mo tagata agasala ma lona toe tu.
- I Lona afio a'e i le lagi ma manumalo ai, le galuega faʻamasino ma le toe faafo'i i tagata
holy sPirit
We believe in the absolute and essential deity, and in the personality of the Holy Spirit
- Who convinces of sin, of righteousness and of judgment
- Who regenerates, indwells, seals, sanctifies, illuminates and comforts those who believe in Jesus Christ
- Who baptizes believers at conversion into the Body of Christ and bestows upon them His gifts sovereignly as He wills and fills those yielded to Him
le agaga paia
Matou te talitonu i le moni ma le tonu a le Atua, atoa ma le taua o le Agaga Paia
- O lo'o faatauanau i ē agasala, o le amiotonu ma le faamasinoga
- O lo'o toe faʻafouina, nofo i totonu, faʻamaufaʻailoga, faʻapaʻia, faʻapupula ma faʻamafanafana atu ia i latou e talitonu ia Iesu Keriso
- O lo'o papatisoina ē talitonu i le liuaina i le Tino o Keriso ma na ia foaʻiina ia i latou ana meaalofa tautupu e pei ona Ia finagalo ma faʻatumuina i latou ua gauaʻi atu ia te Ia
We believe that Adam was divinely created in the image of God
- That by the sin of disobedience he fell from that state
- That all his posterity inherited spiritual depravity and defilement
- That all men therefore are guilty before God and condemned to physical and spiritual death
ulua'i tagata
Matou te talitonu na faia e le Atua Atamu faʻatasi i le faʻatusa o le Atua
- Mai le agasala o le le usiusitaʻi na pa'ū ai o ia mai lena tulaga
- O ana fanau uma na maua mai ai le amio leaga faaleagaga ma le faʻaleagaina
- O le mea lea ua sala ai tagata uma i luma o le Atua ma faʻasalaina i le oti faʻaletino ma le oti faʻaleagaga
We believe that salvation is by the sovereign grace of God
- That by the Father, Christ voluntarily suffered a propitiatory death
- That justification is by faith alone in the all-sufficient sacrifice and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
- That those whom God has effectually called shall be divinely preserved and ultimately perfected in the image of the Lord
Matou te talitonu o le faaolataga e ala i le pule silisili ese a le Atua
- Ona o le Tama, na tuuina atu ai ma le loto malie a Keriso i le maliu
- O lena taʻuamiotonuina ua na o le faʻatuatua i le taulaga atoatoa ma le toetu mai o le Alii o Iesu Keriso
- Latou ua valaauina e le Atua o le a faʻasaoina i le lagi ma faaatoatoaina i foliga o le Alii